TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake

7 Stones


“fooled by three women in kyoto, I fell victim to the girl mind ...”

PART V / “lithograph”

the stage is transformed into three stations: A RESEARCH LABORATORY for studies of radioactive matter. A LITHOGRAPHY WORKSHOP. A SICKROOM recalling edvard munch’s late 19th century painting ‘death in the sickroom’. ONE SOLOIST starts telling the story of madame curie and edvard munch. her narrative is interwoven with the other THREE SOLOISTS’s fragmentary information about the radiation sickness related blood cancer that was the death of madame curie. THE CHOIR saturates the scene with their ‘radiating’ singing. THE NARRATOR marie curie and edvard munch lived in paris at around the same time

munch was interested in new discoveries and went to


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