TE16 Turkish Delight

Selim Ileri Upon medical advice they buy that famous violin for him to “part with” Miss Munevver. My uncle however, grows no interest for the instrument, neither has he any talent at hand to play it. I guess no one hires a tutor either. Around thosedays,which isspringtime,myUncleNejdetfindsout froma friend of hiswho goes tomed school thatMissMunevver is at Heybeli Ada. This friend tells my uncle that she’s in treatment at the island, but also that her case is severe, so severe that there may be no hope for her. He says he’s seen her, under oaks on a bench, frail, holding a handkerchief with blood stains all over. My poor uncle, who learns the truth that his own family kept from him, takes his violin literally runs to the ferry.

On that spring day where mimosas flower for the first time, Miss Munevver dies.

My uncle makes it to the deck only to meet the sick girl’s coffin arriving in. Well, he doesn’t get any better after that. After treatment his doctor does give the news that he’s cured, but that doesn’t turn out to be the case. He relapses into mania years later. In the green jardinière glued back together after who knows what happened to it, -still inmy living room- there used to be amimosa branch with couple of dead flowers. I think it’s from that day.

I rememberthedaysafterMissMunevver’sdeathratherclearer.My uncle would cough on and on for hours as if he had tuberculosis,


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