TE16 Turkish Delight

Hakan Günday for a scene, for they were in love with no one. But the door he had opened was the one to his own room, on the second floor of his home, with the giant poster of Gary Glitter on its ceiling, and the sight he stumbled upon had made him utter the name of Gary Glitter’s song, “Oh no!” It had been a night where Glam Rock met the noise of bedsprings. Now, though, Zo walked beside Koma. No one knew his real name. All that was known was that he had taken his name from the movie the Wizard of Oz . He loved that movie. When he died it wouldn’t be his life that passed before his eyes, but the film reel of the Wizard of Oz. Changing Oz into Zo was only a matter of perspective. Koma thought himself more akin to that scarecrow man in the movie, the one stuffed with straw. He was like a garbage bag. There was nothing of value inside him. He wondered like a soap bubble amid thousands of thorns. A bubble that would burst at the slightest contact. That was the kind of bubble he saw now, when they sat in one of the back tables in Ein, on the bottle of Heineken in his hand. The wooden table they were seated at resembled a child-size coffin. Komawas a fan of a singerwho bit off dolls’ heads on stage. He was the kind of individual parents forbid their children from associating with and he was proud of that. If it were possible, his own family – and his father seemed at least as noble as the Duke of Windsor – would forbid him to associate with himself. Zo’s Polish roots, the abject district he lived in or his three-month juvie experience, none of it was enough to intimidate Koma. He - Go on. What’s this business you want to tell me about?


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