TE16 Turkish Delight

Medusa couple of questions, they were having fun with the answers they got. We were two strange people who would drink hot water and eat Nutella in the breakfast, and the moment this requirement was fulfilled, started off to the actual source of delight- Cabernet Sauvignon. We were drinking the Cabernet at the coffee shop composed of couple of tables and stools onto the cobblestone pavement. No one was saying anything to us for invading a corner of the coffee shop early in the morning, when no one is around. Occasionally, surely there were those who would stop by and want to offer Turkish tea to my friend who was obviously not from Turkey. Not offending them, he would drink tea with wine. On the last day of his visit, we went to Jammin’s Vinyl Shop on Sıracevizler Street. He had told me that he wanted to buy me a token from there. We passed hours in the shop. The cheerful owner even made us coffee and listened to the story of my friend’s visit to Istanbul. On the contrary to his looks and the cold culture he came from, my friend was very chatty. Once he started telling something, there was no stopping him. I had started to wonder if he had held all his desire to speak inside till this day. I even recall telling him, “Shut up already,” a couple of times. But in such breaking points a different look sprung in his eyes, and it was really frightening. How could I know that he was constantly talking to distract that look that possessed him? Theownerof Jammin’sgifted himTedNugent’s WeekendWarriors vinyl. He also said that he was dedicating the ninth song called “Good Friends and A Bottle of Wine” to us. It was the weekend, and my friend had mentioned to him that we were drinking wine dayand night. Itwasadifferentweekend for theownerof theshop, as well. To begin with, he was very surprised how well my friend 249

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