TE17 Mysterious Montenegro

Cronos Cube

your willingness to help others. In other words: you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. If you do me a favor, I’ll do you one. The world here works according to this principle.” The pages were as thin as those of a Biblewith faint lines on them. The book was as good as empty. The first page only had his name, age and place of birth on it: Zachary Murray, 19, Dublin, Ireland. “You’ll never actuallywrite anything yourself in the book of debts, and yet it will start to fill up. If someone does you a favour, then it will be written in there.” “The bookof debts does not only list those things that people have done for you, but also notes whether or not you have returned the favor. It also makes note of those things that you have done for others and whether or not they have already paid their dues. You should always return favours in good time. Otherwise, those players whose help you really need, cannot be sure that you will return the favor.” “I don’t even intend to play the game,” said Zack, passing the book back to Octavian. “You need to hold on to it,” Octavian said. “Click your fingers like this.” “What’s the good in that?” asked Zack.

Zack, who was starting to lose his patience, reluctantly did what Octavianwantedhimtodo. Hehad literally justclickedhisfingers,


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