TE17 Mysterious Montenegro
Valts Ernštreits
Below the city there is a city
Below the city there is a city – where our sooted houses and barns, our swamps and cemeteries, still stand by the lost hill-fort; a city where our river still has its tendrils reaching into islands and sand banks so our boats have many avenues through sanguine water which may flow freely to your forgotten sea. Below the city our men stand at attention guarding foundations, wielding spears and iron axes so your homes will not sink; while our women in dirt- coloured dresses, wrapped in blueblack cloaks embroidered with sky, lament the dead, sing lullabies to all children – ours below and yours above. Below the city, through muddy layers of time our bonfires still burn – you can see
our sparks when you scan for patterns in the twinkle of a night sky. In that cloak are the glowing embers of a thousand year living light – lit by us.
Sleep in peace, city and wake up free.
Our people are protecting you.
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