TE17 Mysterious Montenegro

Milovan Radojević

perpers. 15 If I leave Ragusa or return to the city, the ships shall go with me, being my property, but if they stand in Ragusa and rot, or anything should happen to them, as mentioned, this shall be to the detriment of the City Council of Ragusa, which shall raise the one hundred perpers to compensate me.”

Given these stipulations, the City Council of Ragusa assembled to the ringing of bells and accepted the ships mentioned.

The following inscribed their names on this certificate: Gregorius Antiuarensis antistes, jupanus 16 Cernecha, Vitalis Bodacie, Dersimirus judex 17 Ragusij, Grosius Goyslaui, Dobroslauus Bodatie, vicarius 18 Michatius, Petrus Bubanne, Dobroslauus Slabbe, Teodorus Caputassi, Duesius Vetrij, Lampridius Mathej, Balotia Beletusi, Pauersenus Pesane, Michatius Furaterre, Berivoj Costinna, jupanus Crepun, casueius 19 Gerdomil, Pelegrinus Sergi, Radouan Neieuerius, Bratoe Techomiric—and myself, Marin, scribe and notary of the City Council, who was among them and recorded this. And may the City Council of Ragusa guard these ships as its own.

15 . A currency. The name comes from the Greek hyperperos (“refined”). 16 . Prefect

17 . Judge 18 . Vicar 19 . Tax Collector


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