TE17 Mysterious Montenegro

Dominik “If you know a good healer and have faith in him, have him come. All the ones here seem to be in league with Šćepan, and I think they would rather pour poison in my mouth,” he added quietly, his eyelids shut, and soon I heard his even breathing. While Dominik lay bedfast, a revolt broke out, and some men of Svač, protected by Šćepan’s guards, under the pretense of searching for Lazar’s casket of gold, broke into the bishop’s court and made off with all that they could carry and seemed to them to be of any worth. “Let them, let the devils take everything from the house of the Lord,” he spoke. “The main thing is that the texts are here. They hope to kill me, but the rogues do not know that I will live on in these words,“ and he caressed the scrolls he held in his arms, like a mother holds her child.” The men of Svač who were with Dominik, mostly all patricians, began to gather to decide what to do, while the others, among them ruffians, impoverished former nobles, and apostate clergy, slandered the bishop at every opportunity and threatened to stone him. No sooner had Dominik risen fromhis bed, thanArchbishop Ivan himself came from Bar to examine what was happening and to take measures to preserve the standing of the Dioclean Church. The people greeted him warmly, and immediately afterward King Vukan 25 also arrived and was welcomed with great joy and 25 . Son of Stefan Nemanja (“Nekman”). His father made him king of occupied Dioclea


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