TE17 Mysterious Montenegro

Milovan Radojević

ceremony. Then a rally of the people and the clergy was held in Svač, and the bishop appeared together with the archbishop, in full regalia, and the king bowed to him and took him under his shield. A letter was read out, which Vukan had addressed to the new Pope, Innocent III, in which he recommended himself and beseeched the Holy See to send legates, who would affirm the people in the Catholic faith, because he himself “wanted to love and respect the Roman See as his own mother and submit to its orders,” and also requested that it confirm Ivanas archbishopwith the pallium, so that, “as God-ordained and legitimate archbishop hewould be inaposition toreformtheDiocleanChurchand expel from it every heresy and misrule, the way the blessed Apostles defined it and the chapters of the Lateran Council prescribe.” And the king and archbishop with equally sharp words condemned those who had blasphemously laid violent hands on the bishop, and it was promised that a synod of the whole Dioclean Church, which would “certainly be arranged soon,” would discuss the events in Svač. All this time, Dominik was pale. The patricians of Svač, who until then had received Nekman’s son with suspicion, deigned to favor him when they saw him place the bishop under his shield. Šćepan’smen reined their hatred, soVukan could again take credit as a conciliator. The fall was mild and rainy. In accordance with the archbishop’s wishes, I remained in Svač. When the mentioned rally was over, Dominik changed abruptly again. He would be silent all day, and when he did speak his thoughts were scattered, as if he was far away fromeverything, and he plodded through his pastoral duties in 1195


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