TE21 Serbian Moments

About the Artist

Artwork fromOlga Spiegel featured in this issue are as follows:

Olga Spiegel is a European-born and trained artist who lives and has established a studio in New York. Her work has evolved from the abstract and optical energy field—influenced by artists from the 1960s, Olga Spiegel

Cover Photograph - MUSIC Inside front cover - Cornucopia Chapter 1 (pp. 8-9) - Echoes

Chapter 2 (pp. 24-5) - Measure of Things Chapter 3 (pp. 52-3) - Opening into Space Chapter 4 (pp. 64-5) - Return Chapter 5 (pp. 80-1) - THRESHOLD Chapter 6 (pp. 100-1) - NEOGEO Chapter 7 (pp. 118-9) - Zero Gravity Chapter 8 (pp. 134-5) - PLACE IN THE GARDEN Chapter 9 (pp. 158-9) - Structures Chapter 10 (pp. 178-9) - Wrenting of the Veil Back Matter (pp. 196-7) - Crystal City About the Authors (p. 201) - Angel or Alien

through later study of the Old Master’s technique with Ernst Fuchs—to her current unique visionary alphabet which has lately included digital paintings. Her art points to an inner process, a chemical visual interaction were the inner self ’s messages are deciphered through images and symbols, taking theviewer intoanedgy realmof realismand unnamable forms. On the wings of improvisation, free flowing images and color create associations to uncover a mysterious universe. Ancient icons and space-age imagery with metaphysical overtones reveal an evolutionary flowering; nature and its organisms populate into a myriad of forms. Her work has been shown in galleries, has been cited in many books and publications, and is in private collections across Europe and America.

For more from Olga Spiegel, feel free to email her at olgaspiegel1@gmail.com, or check out her website.



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