TE21 Serbian Moments

Marija Kneževic

Breathing Technique

Morning Coffee

But haven’t you heard so many sirens, So many ambulances wailing the whole day through the city?

My love, how did you wake up this morning? As a woman? Seashell? A boy? A dog? You’re beautiful. I’d love for you to feel that way. Do you? Want to tell me what you dreamed? Does it bother you that you’re a Black man or are you agonizing that your white skin is 102 years old? Brazil? Today? Does the first morning wave feel good to you, little pebble? Don’t pay attention to the red tails, my adorable coral. Every part makes use of the right to be a body. Even so, say. I want to know everything about you, and always. Did you catch a chill? (a quote from Almodóvar) Does the political situation hurt you more than yesterday? How’s your spine? Do we want to lament today? For what? The whales or the children of Afghanistan? What you’re postponing about your mother? Barefoot again? Banana, apple, pineapple? No? Because of you I believe in everything. Say. Even when you keep quiet it’s a word.

I hear quiet all the time And I can hardly get used to it Just like everything I’ve always loved.

The only unfamiliar thing is the singing birds: There are so many of them, they sing so wonderfully, Especially come evening, But I don’t know ho to recognize A single kind.



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