TE23 Double Feature

A Conspiracy of Talkers

Gaetano Savatteri

“Let’s have some light. Now.” Maria was trembling as she looked for the lamp. Her hands had forgotten how to strike a match. The light revealed the boys’ sleepy, stunned faces. Pino was coughing. Vincenzo was standing by the clock in long woolen underwear and a yellowed army undershirt. He understood. It wasn’t the first time the night was torn open like this. It had happened before, it would happen again. Or maybe not. Chief Perez, putting his gun back in its holster, pointed at the jacket, black pants, and dark beret sitting on the chair by the bed. “Those yours?” Vincenzo Picipò looked at him in surprise. Those were all the clothes he had, good for summer and winter. Everyone he knew in town had one suit, black. It hides the stains. “Let’s go to the station.” Pino was crying and coughing. Chief Perez turned to Sergeant Di Dio. 332

“Sergeant, conduct the search. Though we’re not going to find anything.” “What are you looking for, Chief ?” “You know, Picipò.” Vincenzo felt the blood pounding in his chest, in his temples, in his hands. “You’re making a mistake, Chief. I was sleeping. You saw yourself.” “You were awake, Picipò, you opened the door before we finished knocking. Don’t take me for an idiot. I’ve been around longer than you.” Vincenzo got dressed. Pino was in his mother’s arms. Angelo, the eldest, put a hand on his brother Salvatore’s shoulder. He watched his father’s movements: he was pulling his pants on over his long woolen underwear. The sergeant was sullenly opening the drawers of the credenza, a pure formality. Maria stayed silent. They had taken him away before, but this time the grief made her eyes well up. 333

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