TE23 Double Feature

Rocket (novel excerpt) Loranne Vella Translated from Maltese by Rowna Baldacchino


I had heard about the floods, tsunamis and interminable storms that had struck the island as a result of the climate change. I have always been hungry for human tragedy, so I was even more eager to pack up and head to Malta. It wasn’t important how I was going to reach my destination. The voyage could take any form: a straight line that takes a short time to complete or a curvy one, full of obstacles, that takes much longer. Not that I wasn’t eager to reach my destination. Now that I had decided, I didn’t have any doubts. In Malta, I would certainly find the replies to the questions that kept filling my head. Only on my way, then, I discovered that the island was in a situation of utmost gravity. The island was calling to me in a myriad of 39

[Learn more about Loranne Vela’s novel, Rocket , on the March 6, 2022 episode of Eco Lit on Trafika Europe Radio, right here .]

Loranne Vella

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