TE23 Double Feature

Loranne Vella


mention the disputes in the south of the island that resulted in thousands of further deaths. During the first week of the dominion, structures were still loose and, somehow, around ten thousand persons left the island. Some time later, the first rumours about the forced evacuation were being heard. For our own security, they maintained. While we were swarming out of the island, they were slowly infiltrating.” Xandru stopped talking to finish his tea. He then wiped his mouth in the sleeve of his woollen jersey. “Until January we were hundred thousand. Until end this year, only ten thousand are to be left. They planned that ten thousand Maltese persons are enough to sustain those who will come here to work.” Xandru stopped to light up a cigarette. After having three drags, he resumed talking. “This island is cursed: it is tiny and positioned at the most strategic point of the world. The more we want to stay separated from the 50

rest of the world, the more we end up to get involved.” “Such news aren’t reaching other countries,” Petrel replied. “They will not, for the time being. Rest assured. Few people know what is really happening. All means of communication have been removed so that everything remains concealed. That’s why they want to get rid of us before the works are conducted, so that, as far as possible everything remains under their control. I don’t have any proof of what I’m telling you. However, people speak and after extorting information this way and that, you start getting a better picture. Listen to me; don’t go out walking around with that camera hanging around your neck, as you could easily end up with something else instead around your neck.” Petrel kept silent, while he was processing all the information that Xandru was passing 51

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