TE23 Double Feature

Sandrine Collette

The Forests

And in the house, there was Augustine.

level with her.

But as soon as he saw her, he wasn’t sure anymore. Was it really Augustine?


Maybe she saw him. He thought he saw a fleeting shadow cross her face.

Something was moving and breathing.

It was making a little noise.

He had never been a shadow.

Corentin went in after knocking gently.

Or else, this was the only thing left and he’d have to make do with it, but just then, he didn’t understand. He held out his hand to her, very slowly, very gently. When he touched her, she didn’t recoil. She didn’t tremble. She didn’t do anything.

He’d seen her, but he called out all the same.


She didn’t turn her head toward him. She was in the armchair, her hands placed flat on her thighs, on the old apron she wore all day long. It reminded him of the old couple he’d left by the wood stove. They were stiff like that, too, just as motionless.

Oh the sudden doubt, so strong Corentin almost faltered.

He touched her shoulder.

Was she really alive?

He walked into the room, knelt down to be 70


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