Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet


The book included a brief overview of the important role of Jews in the technical achievements of England and America, in the political support for America’s entrance into the war, and of their direct participation in the military actions at the fronts (according to data taken by him from some sort of German book – he knew German – a million and a half Jews had fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition). But principal attention was, of course, given over to the Great Patriotic War. According to his calculations, half a million Jews fought on the Soviet-German front, approximately 12% of the Jewish population of the USSR, of whom more than two hundred thousand were killed in action. The percentage of officers and Heroes of the Soviet Union among Jews was many times greater than the percentage of their representation in the population as a whole and proportionately exceeded that of all the other nationalities (moreover, he ingeniously rebutted the ruses of the official statistics,) but their defining contribution was not on the front lines, but in the intellectual sphere: before the war, Jews comprised 13% of scientists, 16% of doctors, and 10% of engineers (being a little over two percent of the population,) and were the nation’s administrative, scientific-technical, and propaganda elite. He scrupulously collected the names of the directors of factories, principal engineers, principal designers, directors of construction bureaus, and managers of laboratories, even simple engineers who had shaped the principal orientations of technical-


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