Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

Naum Vaiman

the wall, a wall-sized portrait of Hemingway wearing his trademark fisherman’s sweater. “We haven’t seen each other in almost a month,” I said with a slight note of reproach. “Yep...” “What’s the news?” “All sorts of things... I’ll be starting a job at the Television Institute. I got it by a miracle, I’m ecstatic.” “You are great!” “And what were you up to?” “I was writing poems,” I said querulously. She chuckled: “And I suddenly understood that I very much wanted to see you...” “And when did you have that realization?” “Yesterday. Or even the day before.” “So what exactly happened the day before yesterday?” “I got married.” “In what sense?” “In the sense that people usually get married.” We were silent. I didn’t know how to interpret the situation and how I should behave from now on.


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