Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet


for, without asking for his prior consent, we had placed him in an ambiguous position, but she assured me that “everything is fine”. And indeed, with time, everyone adapted to the new situation, and we even became accustomed to its obvious advantages; to each his own. He tried his best to relieve us (and himself, one would presume) of all the unnecessary formalities, heading out for his constitutional walk before our arrival, and we tried to keep the noise down, once he returned, rustling about like mice in our own corner. For the first time, I found it strange to be in her room again. I had been in it just once before her return: Pyotr Naumovich and I were transferring some cardboard boxes there, filled with his papers: still the same Hem on the wall, the same books under a delicate coating of dust, the same hula hoop in the corner. Not a thing had been altered since that time, even the boxes remained, only the dust had vanished from the books and the couch. That very first time with her, it so happened that after my devout labors, I fell into the oblivion of a light sleep, and upon opening my eyes, I saw how she, having wound the hula hoop around her waist, was swaying in the middle of the room, like a whirlwind in the desert... When she had noticed that I was observing her and smiled, the hula hoop fell with a racket to the floor, and she threw herself at me, laughing and pummeling me playfully with her fists... No “expectations,” nor dreams of any sort, had remained in this, our love, besides the mystery of the


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