Trafika Europe 7 - Ukrainian Prayer

Tanya Maliarchuk

similar. Something that you can’t explain, can’t incite in any way. It can’t be repeated. Because miracles do not repeat, they exist only in singularity. Yes, so let this be my quirk. But better for me to have this kind of quirk than for me to become some kind of maniac, a zu-chi pedophile. My quirk isn’t socially dangerous. I’ll never hurt anyone with my tail, except the brazen autumn flies. Or the nasty summer gadflies. Besides that, no one else. Maybe me. People will recoil from me. Hardly will anyone want to marry me with a tail. It’d be complicated. Even less improbable than now when I don’t have a tail. I’ll live with my tail in solitude and in joy. But I want that myself. No one forced me to want to have a tail. No one had undue influence on me.

I decided I wanted the tail on my own. I already can’t remember exactly when that was now. Believe me, it would be a lot simpler to live with a tail. You could sweep the crumbs from the table, cobwebs from the walls, autumn leaves from the asphalt. In the summer you could cool yourself off like a fan. In the winter it would warm you. Sometimes it seems to me that it’s already grown. In a dream. I wake up, feel myself all over – and continue to believe it. I keep on believing. Quite strongly. And it’s all the same to me if anyone doesn’t respect me for this. Because I’m not causing anyone any harm. I just want to have a tail. _____


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