Trafika Europe 7 - Ukrainian Prayer

Faruk Šehić

branches. From my vantage point I watched ordinary life, the secret life beneath the town’s park, by the side of the asphalt road that Kosta went down into the history of the night, marshalling clouds and elusory celestial bodies. Apart from the enticing A summer shower caught me behind the main grandstand of the fc Meteor stadium as I walked briskly along the gravel path to go swimming at Ajak, where an arm of the Una passed under a small bridge of creosoted railway sleepers to join the Krušnica. We used to swim in the greenhole in front of the bridge, while the central sleepers of the bridge were

female hips, the sea was peaceful, with no waves and agitation. Past and future was all the same. O people, flow like you are water! I was terribly afraid of death, but wherever I looked it was not to be seen.

Growing with the Plants

reserved for sunbathing. Further downstream the water was alive with chubs andbrown trout.Once I nearly drowned in that greenhole, and, strangely enough, that early brush with death only reinforced my love of the water. Cumulonimbus clouds, swollen with moisture, drifted swiftly across the sky like in a speeded-up sequence of a documentary on the


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