Trafika Europe 9/10 - UK in Europe

Zöe Beck Model Army. My brother, who was living in Berlin in order to skip out on his military service, sent me a New Model Army t-shirt. My grandparents, aunts and uncles gave me the money I had wished for, so I could buy a leather motorcycle jacket as soon as possible from the secondhand shop. I had seen one there for forty- five marks, but I had to first save up for it. I had also invited a few girls, including Silvana, because she was in my class and because she was pretty and because they said she was willing do things with boys that the other girls wouldn’t. We were not the kind of boys who easily got girls. We were the outsiders. Unathletic, shy, not particularly attractive. Our parents were not

wealthy. Thorsten, whose father had been out of work since they’d shut down Rammelsberg the year before, always rode around on an old collapsible bike, while boys like Max and Marcel showed up at school with brand new BMX bikes. In the winter, if we did anything, we stayed with relatives in Salzgitter and went ice skating, while the others took ski trips to Switzerland. Some had gotten into snowboarding last year. We didn’t even have a skateboard. Thorstenwas the short, fat one, who only attracted attention because of his perverted stories and stupid jokes. He could also belch and fart on command. Michael owned the biggest music collection in the entire school, but this consisted


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