Trafika Europe 9/10 - UK in Europe

Zöe Beck has met in his life? Yes, exactly. Not a single one. Just keep scrolling down. I’d like to know what other nonsense they’ve been writing about me.” “About you?” He shrugged. “Will you scroll down now?” Either he hadn’t noticed that my fingers were trembling or he had decided to ignore them. My hands weren’t the only things that were shaking. I had to sit down, and then I talked to him. I had no idea how I managed to make it so long without passing out, but by the end, we had actually chatted a couple of hours, and my heartrate had calmed back down. It’s amazing how quickly you can get used to a Púca once he’s there. The bottom line was this:

Flann was a remarkably amusing and undeniably clever bloke, but the problem was that I was the only one who could see him. At the same time, this was chiefly my problem. Flann said that I would eventually work it out, and besides, everyone in St. Andrews knew about him. “Almost everyone,” I said. “Screw the tourists,” Flann declared. “And the students. Forget about them.” “I teach at the university,” I pointed out. “Besides, I meant somebody else. Sam.” The neighbors might think I was crazy for doing things like going to the pub and ordering a beer for my invisible friend, but as far as I was concerned, it was fine


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