2019 Wilderness Travel Catalog of Adventures


This is a traveler’s dream journey: exploring the Nile by private dahabiya, a traditional two-masted Nile sailing yacht that hosts just 10 guests. With our expert Egyptologist, we sail from Luxor to Aswan, discovering stunning pharaonic monuments including Nile-side Kom Ombo, with its crocodile motif, and lesser-known sites like Nekbet, abode of the vulture goddess. We’ll bring you to fascinating out-of-the-way places where bigger vessels can’t go, including tranquil Nile farming villages with a

timeless way of life. The breathtaking royal tombs of the New Kingdom pharaohs, awe-inspiring Abu Simbel, the romantic ambiance of our private sailing vessel—they’re all on our unique odyssey amid the eternal wonder that is ancient Egypt. Days 1-3 Great Pyramids / Sphinx In Cairo, we witness the power of the Great Pyramids, built by the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure to stand for eternity. We’ll also explore the massive structure known as the Sphinx, carved from the bedrock of the Giza Plateau, the fascinating Solar Boat on the south side of Khufu’s Pyramid, and the incomparable Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, with its amazing treasures of the young King Tutankhamen.


“ The trip was a glorious combination of mind-boggling temples, sailing on the Nile, and lovely hotels, all with an interesting, fun group. ” Mary D. Cloverdale CA

Days 4-9 Luxor / Karnak / Valley of the Kings / Sailing the Nile / Aswan Flying to

By traditional sailboat on the Nile, you’ll enter the mesmerizing world of the pharaohs. PHOTO: SIEGFRIED TAUQUEUR

Luxor, we walk through the forest of stone columns at stupendous Karnak Temple and visit the graceful Luxor Temple on the banks of the Nile. In the Valley of the Kings, we explore magnificent tombs built for generations of pharaohs. One of them, the grand Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt’s only female pharaoh, merges with the sheer limestone cliffs around it as if nature herself had built this extraordinary monument. Embarking aboard our dahabiya, the Lazuli III , we’ll settle into our air-conditioned cabins and set out for a five-day sail. Our vessel gives us access to lesser-known sites such as El-Kaab, the pre-Dynastic capital of Upper Egypt, as well as famed Nile-side temples including mammoth Edfu, dedicated to the falcon-headed god Horus, who served as the protector and patron of the pharaoh. One evening, we head ashore for a candlelit barbecue at Maniha Island, and on another, we moor at Cobania Island for a visit with local villagers. At Aswan, we visit romantic Philae Temple, a pilgrimage site for thousands of years, and walk through the outdoor market. Days 10-11 Abu Simbel We disembark and fly to Abu Simbel to see the colossal temples of Ramses II, carved into cliff faces in the 12th century BC and still radiating power across the landscape. Depart on Day 11 via Cairo, or join one of our trip extensions.

HIGHLIGHTS • Sail aboard the Lazuli III , a traditional Nile sailing vessel, complete with air-conditioned cabins and en suite facilities • Experience Egypt in-depth with the cultural insights of our superb Egyptologist guide • Discover magnificent temples from Luxor to Aswan, and see the great temple of Ramses at Abu Simbel • Extend your trip to Jordan or Alexandria

DETAILS • 11-day trip begins and ends in Cairo • 5 nights 5-star hotels, 5 nights aboard yacht with air-conditioned cabins • All meals included except 1 dinner DATES Feb 6-16, 2019 Feb 5-15, 2020 Mar 20-30 Mar 18-28 Oct 9-19 Sep 30-Oct 10 TRIP LEVEL 1 + 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cultural exploration and walking tours

TRIP COST $6695 (9-10 members) $7195 (6-8 members) Single supplement: $680 (hotels only) Single supplement: $730 (boat only, limited availability) Internal airfare: $590 (subject to change) Lazuli III Suite cabin upgrade: $500 Jordan: Petra and Wadi Rum Extension: from $3095 Alexandria Extension: from $1090


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