Cruise Collection 2018 Brochure

Wrangel Island: Across the Top of the World ABOARD THE SPIRIT OF ENDERBY

This expedition cruise along the wild north Siberian coast reveals a world of spouting whales, enormous bird colonies, walrus haul-outs, and native villages. You’ll navigate from Russia through the Bering Strait to Wrangel Island, a treasure trove of Arctic biodiversity and well known for its polar bear population. You may catch many glimpses of this magnificent animal as well as walrus, reindeer, snow geese, and migratory bird species that nest here in the brief Arctic summer. The islands’ human histories are fascinating as well, and your expert expedition team lends insight to the stupendous landscapes and fantastic wildlife encounters you enjoy.

DAYS 1-5 ANADYR, RUSSIA, TO KOLYUCHIN ISLAND Embark on the Spirit of Enderby and sail toward the Bering Strait. Explore the ancient aboriginal site known as Whale Bone Alley, search for gray whales by Zodiac, and look for nesting seabirds. At Cape Dezhnev, visit Uelen village, one of the largest centers for traditional Chukchi and Inuit art in the world. Kolyuchin Island is home to some of the most amazing bird cliffs in the Arctic—puffins, guillemots, gulls, and cormorants can be observed and photographed from just yards away.

DAYS 6-10 WRANGEL AND HERALD ISLANDS Wrangel Island, a major polar bear denning area with an introduced population of musk oxen and reindeer, is also the last landfall for migratory species flying north. Each summer thousands of birds migrate here to breed, including snow geese, snowy owls, skuas, Arctic terns, and Ross’s, Sabine’s, and ivory gulls. You’ll make many landings to search for wildlife and see the carpets of summer wildflowers, and the ship will also attempt to visit nearby Herald Island, with its massive bird cliffs.

DAYS 11-15 NORTH SIBERIAN COAST TO ANADYR Visit Chukchi villages where the locals still make their living hunting walrus, seals, and whales, and in the enormous Kolyuchin Inlet, search the dunes and tidal areas for birdlife including emperor geese and spoon-billed sandpipers. Returning through the Bering Strait, pass Diomede Island, and make a landing on the Chukotka Coast. Disembark at Anadyr and depart.

DATES Jul 23-Aug 6, 2018 Aug 6-20, 2018 Aug 20-Sep 3, 2018

TRIP COST From $11,200

Price is per person and depends on cabin type

Wrangel Is.

Herald Is.



Van Karem

Kolyuchin Is.


B e r i n g S t r a i t



Cape Dezhnev



Yttygran, Nuneangan & Arakamchechen


100 mi

100 km



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