2021 Senior Resources Housing Directory
Come Explore The Place Your Heart Will Call Home
An independent apartment home community for older adults, age 55 and better, that enjoy the luxury and conve- nience of a well-designed apartment community.
1 &2 BedroomApartment Homes
• Spaciou s Floor Plan • Fu lly Equ ipped Kitch ens • Lau ndry Room on Each Floor • Controlled Access Entry System • Plenty of Storag e • Social Activities • Bu s Service Nearby
• Cable TV Hooku ps • Nearby Sh opping & Restau rants • Pet Friendly (some limitations) • WiFi inCommu nity Areas • Microwaves inall Apts • Month ly Bu s Tripfor Grocery Sh opping
Schedule your tour today! 414-409-4848 sacredheart@oakbrookcorp.com www.ForRent.com/SacredHeart 7350 S. Lovers Lane Road #462 Franklin, WI 53132 Located On Picturesque Nature Conservancy
Community Room
3400 E. Ramsey Avenue, Cudahy, Wisconsin 53110 (414) 481-8580 Professionally managed by Oakbrook Corporation. Income restrictions may apply.
LASATA SENIOR LIVING CAMPUS Offering over 50 years of dedicated service to our community! We are located near h istoric downtownCedarbu rg onover 4 0 acres of peacefu l natu ral su rrou nding s. Individu als h ave th e ability toenjoy a fu lfilling and active lifestyle u sing ou r wide array of su pports and amenities. Ou r reh ab prog ram will g et you ontrack toretu rntoyou r ownh ome!
LASATA CARE CENTER (Reh ab/Skilled Nu rsing /Memory Care)
LASATA HEIGHTS APARTMENTS (Independent Apts for Seniors 6 2 + )
For more information or to take a virtual tour, please call or visit our website today! W7 6 N6 7 7 N. Wau watosa Rd, Cedarbu rg , WI. 5 3 0 1 2 262-377-5060
2021 S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S | 159
F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website www.seniorresourcesonline.com
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