2021 Senior Resources Housing Directory
The expert Care Managers and Caregivers at Stowell Associates understand that seniors and disabled adults who require in-home care are parents, siblings, spouses and friends. We also understand families face challenges providing care to those they love, which is why we become your partner to fully manage the advanced care of loved ones for you.
KENOSHA 262-287-0805 RACINE 262-880-5864 MILWAUKEE 414-963-2600 WAUKESHA 262-521-3016
www.stowellassociates.com inquiry@stowellassociates.com
Supportive, In-Home Senior Care
We have Built Friendships and Cared for Families for over 25 Years! 1-24 hour care to include: Personal care, meal preparation, light housekeeping, companionship and respite. All caregivers are thoroughly screened, bonded and insured.
Care available up to 2 4 hours - 7 days a week. Trained, supervised, bonded, insured, reliable sta ff .
R Respite Care R Companionship R Meal Preparation R Light Housekeeping R Personal Care
R Errands R Transportation R Surgery Recovery R Memory Care R Grocery Shopping
Serving Waukesha County 262-695-4418 Call for a free assessment today! www.visitingangels.com/pewaukee
...and more!
(2 6 2 ) 7 8 7 -1 8 0 3 www.touchinghearts.com/milwaukee Serving Milwaukee &Waukesha County areas
• Ch ore Services & Lig h t Hou sekeeping • Family Respite • Medicaid Certified
• Alzh eimer’s Care • Bath ing , g rooming and Hyg iene • Transfers
• Meal Preparation • MedicationReminders • Safety Su pervision • Transportation/Errands
Wau kesh a Cou nty & Sou th ernMilwau kee Cou nty 262-446-2000
Wash ing ton& Ozau kee Cou nties 262-674-1515
Su pporting Independence, Dig nity and Qu ality of Life
2021 S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S | 41
F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website www.seniorresourcesonline.com
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