2021 Senior Resources Housing Directory
Continuing Care Retirement Community or CCRC provides a continu- um of care on a campus setting. Multiple levels of care and services are pro- vided in independent apartments, assisted living apartments and skilled nursing settings. There are CCRCs that are more com- prehensive and offer reha- bilitation services, home care and hospice. A primary reason older adults find the concept of continuing care appealing is security. Continuing Care Retirement Communities offer the security of know- ing that as seniors grow older or face a potential future illness, their needs will be meet. A compre- hensive network of services is an offered to allow resi- dents to age with choices. The confidence that there is lifelong commitment by the CCRC to the resident offers certainty and peace of mind. The continuum of care typically begins in an inde- pendent apartment in a community setting. The monthly fee may include fine dining, housekeeping, wellness services and vari- ety of activities. Seniors
facilities are an integral component of a CCRC. Short term rehabilitation services, hospice care and home health are often offered to enhance the con- tinuum. Continuing Care Retirement Communities are most often religiously affiliated and are not-for- profit. The cost of a CCRC varies, however a substan- tial entrance fee is typically required for independent apartment. Entrance fees may be fully or partially refundable. However, the monthly fees tend to be a excellent value due to the amenities and services included. The assurance of know- ing that an individual’s changing needs can be met in one location is signifi- Retirement Communities are attractive to seniors. Senior residents of CCRCs often relate the feeling of the security to having a large supportive family to rely on. cant reason that Continuing Care
enjoy an active lifestyle, social opportunities, the benefits of vibrant friend- ships and freedom from the burden of homeown- ership. Many retirement communities offer home health programs to pro- vide additional support to their residents, allowing residents to remain in their independent apart- ments longer. The progression of care may include a move to assisted living, where additional meals, house- keeping and nursing ser- vices are available. The benefit of a CCRC is the campus-like setting. Often the different areas of care are physically connected allowing residents to easi- ly maintain relationships even after a health related move. Many CCRCs pro- vide specialized assisted living to meet the needs of those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Long term skilled nursing
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