2021 Senior Resources Housing Directory


Disability, low income housing, etc. access to Funding for long term Care: • The ADRC can determine if you will be eligible for public funding for your long term care. • The ADRC can explain the program choices you have that will provide your long term care. These programs include family Care, IRIS and in some areas Partnership and PACE. Health and wellness: • ADRC can connect you to wellness programs to help keep you healthy and inde- pendent, such as Stepping On falls prevention, Living with Chronic conditions and others.

8 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2021 /LTCare/adrc/index.htm seRviCes pRovided By tHe adRC information and assistance: • Information about local ser- vices and resource • Assistance in finding ser- vices to match your needs o Housekeeping and chore services o Health (healthy lifestyles, manage- ment of chronic condi- tions, dementia, etc) o Transportation o Nutrition, home deliv- ered meals o Housing, including senior and low income housing he place for information and assistance! Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are the first place to go to get accurate, unbi- ased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. ADRCs are friendly, welcoming places where anyone - individuals, concerned families or friends, or professionals working with issues related to aging or dis- abilities - can go for information tailored to their situation. The ADRC provides information on broad range of programs and ser- vices, helps people understand the various long term care options available to them, helps people apply for programs and benefits, and serves as the access point for publicly-funded long term care. These services can be provided at the ADRC, via telephone, or through a home visit, whichever is more convenient to the individ- ual seeking help. ADRCs are available in all Wisconsin counties. To find an ADRC go to http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov


o Assisted Living, nursing homes and other long term care facilities o financial assistance linkages o Legal issues (guardianship, power of attorney, client rights advoca- cy) o Abuse, neglect and financial exploita- tion o Adaptive equipment

long term Care options Counseling: • Information about the choices you have when making decisions about where to live, what kind of help you need, where to receive that care and help, and how to pay for it. • One-on-one consultation to help you think through the pros and cons of the various options in light of your situation, values, resources and prefer- ences. Benefit Counseling: • Benefit specialists pro- vide information and advocacy about govern- ment and other benefits that you may be entitled to receive, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security,

A TTORNEY J OANNE L EIFHEIT • Medicaid Analysis and Veterans Benefits • Special Needs Tru sts and Asset Protection

• Powers of Attorney • Disability Planning • Probate

• Estate Planning • Elder Law Issu es • Wills & Tru sts • Gu ardiansh ips

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N2 7 W2 3 9 5 3 Pau l Road, Su ite 1 0 7 Pewau kee, WI 5 3 0 7 2 L ocated one mile north of th e Mach ine Sh ed Restau rant Ch eck ou r website for u pcoming dates toou r complimentary month ly edu cational estate planning & Medicaid worksh op! www.LawOfficeofJL.com

F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website www.seniorresourcesonline.com

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