2021 Senior Resources Housing Directory


ambulatory, semiambulatory or nonambulatory, but only if they are mentally and physi- cally capable of responding to an electronic fire alarm and exiting the facility without any help or verbal or physical prompting. Class CA: A Class C Ambulatory CBRf may serve only residents who are ambu- latory, but one or more of whom are not mentally or physically capable of respond- ing to an electronic fire alarm and exiting the facility with- out any help or verbal or physical prompting. Class CS: A Class C Semiambulatory CBRf may

or more of whom are not men- tally or physically capable of responding to an electronic fire alarm and exiting the facility without any help or verbal or physical prompting. Article provided by: Avalon Square

serve only residents who are ambulatory or semiambula- tory, but one or more of whom are not mentally or physically capable of responding to an electronic fire alarm and exiting the facility without any help or verbal or physical prompt- ing. Class CNA: A Class C Nonambulatory CBRf may serve residents who are ambulatory, semiambulatory or nonambulatory, but one

Milwaukee County . . . .100 Ozaukee County . . . . . .119 Washington County . . .122 Waukesha County . . . . .124 County index

• Assisted Living Specializing in Memory Care & Dementia • Delayed Egress Secured Entry Ways • Competitive Rates: Ask about our R&B Discounts

• Private and Companion Rooms • Accept Family Care Funding • 10% Veteran’s discount

Tender Reflections of Germantown N109 W17525 Virginia Avenue, Germantown, WI 53022

Visit our website for a Virtual Tour www.TenderReflectionsAL.com 715-551-6979

98 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2021

F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website www.seniorresourcesonline.com

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