2022 South Central Directory
R ESIDENTIAL C ARE A PARTMENT C OMPLExES personal Care assistance (i.e. dressing, bathing, medication administra- tion); nursing services (i.e. health monitoring of physical, functional and cognitive changes, wound care, pacemaker checks). In addition, an RCAC must ensure that tenant health and safety are pro- tected in the event of an emergency and should be able to provide emergency assistance 24 hours a day. RCACs provide services to residents - either direct- ly from its staff, or under contract. Offered services must be part of the ten- ant's service agreement. Before moving to an RCAC, a comprehensive health review is required prior to admission. This procedure serves as a basis for developing a service agreement for every indi- vidual. This assessment helps to identify and evaluate an individual’s needs and preferences for services relating to their physical health, their functional abilities and limitations,
their ability to self-admin- ister medications, nutri- tional status and needs, mental and emotional health, behavior patterns, as well as their social and leisure needs and prefer- ences. The health review shall be performed with the active participation of the prospective tenant as well as the person's family or designated representative, if desired by the person. A tenant's capabilities, needs and preferences identified in the compre- hensive assessment shall be reviewed at least annu- ally to determine whether there have been changes that would necessitate a change in the service plan. The review may be initiat- ed by the facility, the coun- ty department designated, or at the request of or on the behalf of the tenant. RCACs are usually not a good fit for individuals who have an activated health care power of attor- ney or who have been found incapable by two physicians or a psycholo- gist and a physician of rec- ognizing danger, summon- ing assistance, expressing need or making care deci- sions.
Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC) is an apartment community with five or more adults. Each apartment has a lock- able entrance and exit, a kitchen, including a stove or microwave oven, an individ- ual bathroom, sleeping and living areas. Some apart- ments are studio-sized; oth- ers have multiple bedrooms. Sizes of RCACs can vary, from less than 10 to more than 100 individual apart- ments. The apartments are generally furnished by the individual; however, some communities may offer fur- nished or semi-furnished apartments. Although an RCAC does not necessarily include a nursing home or a commu- nity-based residential facili- ty (CBRF), it may physically be part of a structure that has these areas. In other words, an RCAC can be a stand-alone building or part of a larger continuum of care community. Per DhS 89, RCACs can provide residents a maxi- mum of 28 hours per week of the following services: supportive services (i.e. housekeeping, laundry, transportation to access community services);
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