2024-25 Senior Resources Northeast Directory
ospice is a unique mix of services that focus on end of life care by addressing the physical, emotional and spiri tual needs of the client and their loved ones. hospice emphasizes quality, rather than length of life. It neither hastens nor postpones death; it affirms life and regards dying as a normal process. hospice care ensures that clients spend their final days with dignity and in comfort. hospice services can be pro vided in a client’s home, an assisted living facility, skilled nursing center or wherever you call home. Hospice Services hospice is an option for people diagnosed with a ter minal illness who have an anticipated life expectancy of six months or less and desire comfort care rather than curative treatment. hospice care involves a core team of interdisciplinary profession als offering a wide range of services within the hospice program. These services include:
Why choose Hospice? • hospice treats the person instead of the disease; focuses on the family instead of just the individ ual; and emphasizes qual ity of life instead of dura tion. • hospice care eases pain and emotional stress for clients and loved ones while allowing families to experience the end of life together. • hospice provides expert pain and symptom man agement and allows client choice for a meaningful and dignified end of life. • hospice focuses on relief of suffering among clients and families through pal liative care, education and counseling For more information regard ing hospice services, contact one of your local hospices. Article submitted by Heartland Hospice
• nursing Care • Social Worker Services • Spiritual Support and Counseling • home health Aide and homemaker Services • Therapies • Trained volunteers • Bereavement Support • Respite Care • Continuous Care • hospice In-patient Care Hospice payment hospice services are cov ered by Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance plans. hospice is available to all persons regardless of age, income or ethnicity. The hospice benefit is one of the most comprehensive in healthcare and covers the above hospice services and medications, treatment, supplies and equipment related to the terminal ill ness. The Medicare hospice Benefit also covers inpa tient hospice care for acute or respite stays.
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