FDL Guide 2019
CATHOLIC QUEEN OF THE HOLY ROSARY MEDIATRIX OF PEACE SHRINE W5703 Shrine Road, Necedah 608-565-2617 queenoftheholyrosaryshrine.com
CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY 825 Fond du Lac Avenue 920-922-3990 celebrationassembly.org
ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH 901 County Road V 920-922-3353 alcfdl.org
“WHERE EVERYBODY IS FAMILY” Sunday worship service—Sun 10:30am (nursery and kids’ church available), Sunday School—9:30am with classes for students in elementary school through high school, plus an adult and Spanish class. Wednesday “Family Night”—6:30pm (with youth and adult ministries).
Sunday Worship 8am and 10:45am. Education Hour (ages 4-adult) 9:30am. Nursery provided. Fully accessible building. (Call for summer hours). CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR 363 S. Main Street 920-922-0020 oursavioursfdl.org June–Aug: Sun 9am, Mon 5:30pm. Sept–May: Sun 8am and 10:30am and Education Hour 9:15am. Handicapped accessible. Family friendly.
The Blessed Mother appeared to Mary Ann Van Hoof on November 12, 1949, and for the following 34 years. There are 14 grottos situated on four acres.
ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 1600 S. Main Street 920-922-1160 stpetersfdl.net Thurs 6:30pm, Sun 7:45am and 10:30am (7:45am and 10am during the summer). It’s where YOU belong.
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