SR Health Guide BODY & INSERT 2018


ospitals can be a won- derful source of programs for older adults in the com- munity. The purpose of this section is to highlight some of the programs and services local hospitals have to offer both in the hospital and in the community. Some of the programs in this section are strictly available to older adults. Others may be available to the community but are largely utilized by older adults. Many of the hospitals have specialty clinics or programs to deal with certain diseases or illness- es. Aside from medical care, additional programs may be available. Some of these programs include: Support Groups These groups may pro- vide support for patients and family members of those recovering from an accident or illness. Community Education Information on topics of interest and importance to older adults.

Rehabilitation Programs Education and therapy programs for those recover- ing from an accident or ill- ness. Please feel free to contact the hospitals in this section directly for more information on the programs available.


have free membership pro- grams which entitle senior adults to numerous benefits which may include the fol- lowing: medical billing assistance, health screen- ings, discounts to hospital shops and dining, newslet- ters, and walk/ exercise programs.


Milwaukee......................110 Ozaukee ........................116 Washington ....................116 Waukesha ......................117

Membership Programs Many area hospitals

104 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2018

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