SR Health Guide BODY & INSERT 2018


E ARLY M EMORY L OSS P ROGRAMS facilitator might invite par- ticipants to name a word starting with each letter of the alphabet that has to do with springtime. Participants would then brainstorm together to come up with appropriate words. For example: A = Apple Blossoms; B = Baseball; C = Crocus … and so on. Opportunities for independent memory exer- cises – such as crossword puzzles and math puzzles – also are offered. In addition to mentally challenging activities, Early Memory Loss Programs stress the benefits of physi- cal activity and proper nutrition. Physical activity stimulates blood circula- tion, which can help supply more oxygen to the brain. Exercise also is a stress reliever. Research has shown that stress can have a negative impact on mem- ory. Research also indicates that foods rich in antioxi- dants, whole grains and omega-3 fats can be espe- cially beneficial for memo- ry.

ost health profession- als encourage mentally chal- lenging activities for aging adults in an effort to stimu- late and strengthen brain activity. The ultimate goal is to maintain or improve mem- ory, language skills, thought and other mental activities. During the last several years, a number of Early Memory Loss Programs have been introduced in the community for older adults who want to take a proactive approach to a diagnosis of early memory loss not typically associated with the normal aging process. For example, per- sons who: • Are in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. • Have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment. • Have suffered a stroke. Research indicates that mem- ory enhancement programs may help participants main- tain memory function for a longer time and even regain lost ground. A trained facilitator engages Early Memory Loss Program participants in a variety of planned activities during each session, including brain- teaser exercises that draw on memory and encourage con- versation. For example, the

Early Memory Loss Programs offered in the com- munity typically include the following components. • Education on memory and brain function. • Information about memo- ry techniques. • Mental exercises, includ- ing written and verbal exercises, sensory stimu- lation and creative activi- ties. • Opportunities for partici- pant input. • Camaraderie and peer support. • Social interaction. • Laughter and humor. • Family support. • Physical exercise and/or education on the benefits of exercise. • Engagement with the environment. • Activities that foster independence. • Information about avail- able support services in the community. While Early Memory Loss Programs may slow the pro- gression of memory loss, it is beneficial for families to develop a transition plan for participants who will ulti- mately require more support- ive services. As memory loss progresses, individuals may benefit from enrollment in an Adult Day Services Program and/or Supportive Home Care Services.

22 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2018

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