Senior Resources Southeast KRW 2018-19 Directory


medical, and long-term care needs. • The plan includes items in the Partnership benefit plan plus other natural supports that will help you achieve your outcomes. • The care team works with you to coordinate all covered health services. This means they will check with your providers to see how care is going and help man- age special services such as X- rays, tests, and any follow-up care. Partnership is for people who need help with their health, medical and long-term care needs and who are: • Frail adults, age 65 or older • 18 or older with a physical or intellectual/developmental dis- ability Who can be a Member of Partnership?

F AMILY C ARE & P ARTNERSHIP • Residency – Family Care is offered in certain counties in Wisconsin. Individuals must live in one of these counties Partnership helps you coordinate your health, medical and long- term care needs. All Partnership members are part of a care team. • Together you will discuss your goals, assess your abilities and needs, and name your out- comes. • The team creates a plan just for you to support your health, Partnership

amily Care and Partnership are programs that help frail seniors and adults with disabilities manage health and long-term care needs. Partnership also provides assistance with medical needs. Here’s more information about these programs. Family Care Family Care helps you coordinate your long-term care needs. All Family Care members are part of a care team. Your care team includes you, a care manager and a regis- tered nurse. • Together you will discuss what your goals are, assess your abili- ties and needs, and name your outcomes. • The team creates a plan just for you to support your long-term care needs. • The plan includes items in the Family Care benefit plan plus other natural supports that will help you achieve your outcomes. • The care manager and regis- Who can be a Member of Family Care? Family Care is for people who need help with long-term care and who are: • Frail adults, age 65 or older • 18 or older with physical dis- abilities • 18 or older with intellectual disabilities Individuals must also meet these requirements: • Income • Functional tered nurse stay in contact with you to ensure all parts of the care plan are working well, and make changes if necessary.

Choosing Self-Direction in Long-Term Care ?




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