Southeast Wisconsin Directory 2023

P RoFESSIonAL c ARE M AnAGERS • ongoing oversight, monitor ing, and advocacy • Individual/family counseling and support • crisis intervention Benefits of using care manage ment services are many, and may include: • Personalized and compassion ate service, focusing on the client’s needs and preferences • 24/7 availability for urgent needs • continuity of care: coordina tion and communication with family members, medical and care providers, and legal/financial professionals • cost containment: the care manager’s knowledge and expertise can help you to avoid costly mistakes by carefully matching appropriate services to client’s needs. There are many agencies which provide care coordination or care Management. Those providers who are members of the Aging Life care Association (ALcA), formerly known as the national Association of Professional Geriatric care Managers (nAPGcM), meet strin gent criteria for professional edu cation, experience, and certifica tion, and adhere to ALcA Standards of Practice and code of Ethics. Additional information is available on the ALcA website, BEnEFITS oF cARE MAnAGE MEnT SERvIcES SELEcTInG A cARE MAnAGER


eriatric care Managers (GcM) or Aging Life care Managers (ALcM) are health and human ser vice specialists who provide guid ance, support, access to resources, and ongoing follow-up for older adults, adults with disabilities or chronic health care needs, and their families and support networks. care Managers come from a variety of professional backgrounds (social work, nursing, gerontology, among others), and have a specialized focus on issues related to aging, chronic disease management and disabili ties. The care manager is an experienced guide and resource for families and professionals. They have extensive knowledge about costs, quality, and availability of services in their com munity, and can connect you with the right service at the right time. care managers also assist clients in attaining their maximum functional potential and quality of life. SERvIcES PRovIdEd By A PRo FESSIonAL cARE MAnAGER: care managers provide personalized services, based on individual client circumstances. These services may include: • comprehensive assessments to identify problems or concerns, and provide solutions • Arrangement for qualified in home care or other needed assistance • Identification of living options which are consistent with client needs and preferences; reloca tion planning and implementa tion • Referral to qualified legal, finan cial, or medical specialists, based on a review of client cir cumstances and needs

In selecting the agency you wish to work with, you may want to ask about the following:


• What is staff’s educational back ground and work experience? how long have they been pro viding care management ser vices? • What are their professional cre dentials and affiliations? Are they licensed or certified? If so, by who? • Are they members of the Aging Life care Association? • Is the agency a free-standing care management agency, part of a larger health care network, or one which also provides other services? • What are the referral relation ships they have with other ser vice providers? AGEncy STRucTuRE:


• What are the rates and fee struc ture? • does the agency receive pay ments from other sources (e.g., placement or referral fees?)

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