Faculty & Staff Handbook Cover_af77a4e0

Library Instructional Support

Classroom Presentations : The library will provide brief orientations or course specific library instruction at the request of faculty. Instructional sessions are tailored to meet the needs of the specific assignment or research project. Each session focuses on introducing relevant resources and on demonstrating strategies for searching specific databases. To schedule a presentation, instructors are asked to contact Marian Grona at mgrona@vernoncollege.edu.

Research Guides : Research guides suggest databases and other informational sources which support specific subject areas such as composition, biology, psychology, nursing, etc. Assistance in selecting a topic, narrowing the focus of the topic, and in identifying keywords or concepts to use in the database search strategy is provided. The guides are accessible via the “Research Assistance” link on the library homepage.

Intercampus and Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan : VC faculty and staff may submit Interlibrary Loan requests in person or online to obtain books, articles, and other informational materials which are unavailable within the VC Library System. Requests may be filed electronically via the Interlibrary Loan form. Patrons may go directly to the page or link to the form from the library homepage. Intercampus Transfers : Books will also be transferred between campuses at the inst ructor’s request. The Interlibrary Loan form may also be used for intercampus transfers.

Purchase Recommendations

The library welcomes faculty participation in the selection of library materials. Instructors may submit recommendations via the Purchase Recommendations form. Instructors are also welcome to submit publisher catalogs or lists with multiple selections to any library staff member.

Evaluation of Library Services

Surveying user opinions and recommendations is essential in improving existing services and in developing new programs which more effectively serve the informational needs of all VC students and faculty. Faculty are surveyed annually in the spring. Online, dual credit, and on- site students in Vernon, CCC, and STC are also surveyed in the spring.

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