PULSE Magazine | August 2019 Issue PE
Where are you from originally and what brought you to Austin?
I’m originally from San Diego California. I moved to Austin in the spring of 1998 after being offered a position with (then) Austin EMS.
What inspired you to become a medic/What attracted you to this career choice?
I kind of fell into EMS. I didn’t have much of an idea of what I wanted to do after high school, except for a vague idea that I would be a police officer. I was getting ready to sign up for a police academy when I suddenly realized that I wanted people to like me while I was helping them, I saw an ambu- lance responding to a call around the same time and thought that maybe I should look into that whole EMS thing. The rest is history.
How long have you been with ATCEMS and what motivated you to work here?
I have been with ATCEMS since June of 1998, so just over 21 years now. I came to the department because I quickly realized that I wanted to make a career out of EMS, but I wasn’t interested in the firefighting industry. I wanted to work for a company that had a great reputation and focused on delivery of medicine. Austin EMS was the best around, so I gave it a shot.
What is your favorite part about working here at ATCEMS?
I love the diversity of the people that I work with, the ability to specialize in other areas of medicine such as Special Operations or Community Health. I truly appreciate working for an EMS system that works with excellent medical direction to bring the best care possible to our patients.
If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them?
Chuy’s. My family will take any excuse to get to Chuy’s.
What is your favorite taco joint in town?
For my money, the best taco joints are the ones that you find in the back of gas stations or a food truck. The ones run by families and where I can barely order because of the language barrier. You’ll find the best tacos in those kinds of places.
What do you do on your days to relax and unwind?
When I’m not at work I mainly spend time with my family. Most days you can find me lifting weights, running or swimming. I’m teaching myself (slowly) to play the piano after decades away from it, and I’m studying for two different educational tracks.
Who inspires you?
My wife is amazing. She somehow finds the time to be a full-time ER nurse, a full time Family Nurse Practitioner student and to be a great mom to our kids. I truly don’t know how she manages all of that and being married to me!
What is the next place you would like to visit? Why?
It’s been my wife’s dream for a few years to go to Greece and relax on the Mediterranean Sea. I’d love to be able to make that happen for her.
Word of advice for an aspiring medic?
A career in EMS is a marathon, not a sprint. Be prepared for long days and lots of time away from your family. Cultivate good relationships with your co-workers and learn everything that you can from everyone that you work with. A great paramedic never stops learning. The job stress can be high, but this is the best, most rewarding job on the planet!
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