PULSE Magazine | January 2020 Issue
Where are you from originally and what brought you to Austin? I’m an Austinite through and through but I take special pride in being raised on the East Side. East Side represent!
What inspired you to become a medic/What attracted you to this career choice? I initially wanted to be a firefighter — go figure! — but after taking my EMT course I fell in love with medicine and wanted to learn so much more. I wanted to be the best and most capable provider for someone in need. Because of that, I started my paramedic training. How long have you been with ATCEMS and what motivated you to work here? This is my first ever full-time job and I have been here for just a little under six years (shout out to Academy 0114!). I was motivated to work here because I wanted to serve the community that I grew up in.
What is your favorite part about working here at ATCEMS? My favorite part about Austin-Travis County EMS are the people I work with. I have made so many friends and have formed strong relationships with not only those in our department but within the entire public safety family. If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them? That depends on the weather! If it is nice out I would probably take them to Twin Falls or Barton Springs for a swim. If it’s cold or rainy out I would take them to the Alamo Drafthouse or enjoy one of the many escape rooms.
What is your favorite taco joint in town? Yikes! How can you pick just one?! If you are north in Medic 13’s district I would say Ken’s Tacos is the spot. They are huge tacos and will leave you full for the whole day. If you’re south I would have to say Casa Moreno’s tacos. The tortillas are one of my favorites and they also give you quite the bang for your buck. Pro Tip: Come to both of these places very hungry!
What do you do on your days to relax and unwind?
I really enjoy going to Barton Springs to lay back, listen to an audiobook, catch up on some podcasts, meditate, and enjoy the cool water for a bit. If I’m not doing that you will likely find me editing our next YouTube video or vegging out on the couch. Who inspires you? David Goggins or E.T. The Hip Hop Preacher — they are both pretty inspirational. I mean, c’mon, have you seen their Instagram? But at the end of the day I would say my parents inspire me the most. Because of their sacrifices and lessons in work ethic I am able to have made it this far. They are a constant inspiration to me. What is the next place you would like to visit? Why? Somewhere with a beach! We just got back from Japan where it was cold and rainy. We are thinking of visiting Thailand or somewhere in the Caribbean where we can just sit back and enjoy the sand beneath our feet. Word of advice for an aspiring medic? My best advice for someone looking to become a medic is to put in the work up front and grind it out because the payoff is well worth it. The struggle was so real while I was working on this career path but I’m glad I stuck it through. This has been the most challenging and rewarding career I could have ever hoped for.
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