PULSE Magazine | June/July 2019 Issue

Congratulations to our newest members of the Austin-Travis County EMS family! Cadet Class 0419 graduated the Academy on June 21, 2019. We are proud to share with you two inspiring speeches from the ceremony, Field Medic Nolan Roberts and Communications Medic Rose Bean. “I would like to thank you all for coming out, and say a special thank you on behalf of class 0419 to all of the chiefs, commanders, captains, training officers, medics, and of course, our academy staff, for all the time and hard work invested in our fu- ture, and the future of the department. I would also like to personally thank my fellow cadets of class 0419, for making the last 10 weeks bearable, and for making me laugh, supporting me as I tried to support each one of you, and showing me 12 different perspectives while teach- ing me something new every single day I spent with all of you. A little bit about us, class 0419 is made up of 13 amazing people from every corner of the United States, From all the way Up in New England, across the north to Washington (state not DC, as we heard him say 1000 times), and even down into California (actually mostly from California) and even 2 from right here, born and raised in Austin. But no matter where we all came from, we all arrived here for the same reason, because we all wanted to be the best versions of ourselves, push ourselves toward greatness, and have the resources, support, and to earn the right wear the uniform of the best EMS department in the country.

adopted the motto “if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you,” and certainly, every day brought challenges that, once conquered, helped refine us into who we are today. We have learned that Challenge is uncomfortable. Challenge isn’t pleasant. I can tell you first hand that challenge will stain some shirts and scuff some boots, but challenge is how you become the best. (Funny enough, the biggest challenge we faced was getting our uniforms on time, sized right, and spelled right.) As much as I would love to take 2 hours of your time and explain just what makes each my 12 classmates the amazing, hard working, unique, and beautiful people they are, I was specifically told I couldn’t do that, so I’ll leave you with this. Every Friday, we would do a workout called “tower day” After every tower day, we would hear an encouraging speech, pushing us to focus on our mindfulness, and focus on greatness. On one tower day it just so happened that it was my birthday, and all the good speakers happened to be absent, so after exhausting every other option, I was allowed to speak.

The short speech I gave then, I think rings true tenfold now.

These have been 10 of the best weeks of my life, surrounded by 12 of the greatest people I have ever met, in the best city I have ever lived in, at the best job I have ever had.”

Nolan Roberts

During the course of our 10 week academy, 0419

Nolan Roberts Field Medic


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