PULSE Magazine | June/July 2019 Issue

OJI’s and Exposures

1. 25% of our reported OJI’s dealt with body movement. 28% of those involved getting in and out of the ambulance.

2. 28% of our reported OJI’s were exposures. 52% of exposures occurred in the back of the unit.

***You can prevent your exposure***

3. 19% of reported OJI’s involved a combative patient.

Prevention is Key

 Utilize good body mechanics

 Get plenty of rest prior to your shift and come prepared to work

 Exercise and good diet are proven methods to prevent injury and illness

 Recognize high risk patients for exposures

 Wear your PPE

As a reminder, our Sharps Shuttles are single use devices . Once used, they should be locked closed and promptly disposed of in a larger Sharps Container as biohazardous waste. They should not be reused.

Your Safety is Priority!

The Department has a responsibility to provide all personnel a safe working environment, free from rec- ognized hazards. However, working in the EMS field, is not a risk free job, whether on the scene of calls, responding to and returning from calls, or at your station. You are responsible for your personal safety and have personal responsibility to:

 Know your surroundings and maintain situational awareness.

 IF you feel you are in immediate danger, protect yourself and notify someone:

Shout for help,

 Utilize the orange emergency ID button on your hand held radio,

Call 9-1-1

 Lock your vehicle and keep valuables out of sight.

 Keep your station and unit secure at all times.

 Report any safety concern to your commander or report it via the Safety Concern report in RMS

 Report any facility maintenance needs via a Facility Repair Request





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