PULSE Magazine | June/July 2019 Issue

What is your favorite part about working here at ATCEMS? Working downtown with some high-speed medics who are enthusiastic about their job and love to have fun while doing it. If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them? Anywhere outside, but you can’t beat Lake Austin!

What is your favorite taco joint in town? Torchy’s

What do you do on your days to relax and unwind? Workout, spend time in our home vegetable garden, and wake surf on the lake.

Who inspires you? My mom- her work ethic is unbeatable and always puts herself before others.

What is the next place you would like to visit? Why? Croatia for the beautiful beaches, architecture, and food!

Word of advice for an aspiring medic? As long as you have a good attitude and are willing and eager to learn, we’d love to have you! Remember, you’ll never stop learning in this profession.


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