PULSE Magazine | October 2018 Issue

Community Health Paramedic


Community Health Immunization Drive

On October 11th 2018, Community Health Clinical Specialist Craig Fairbrother helped facilitate an immunization drive that he coordinated between multiple agencies at the Austin Transition Center (ATC) with immunizations administered by clinical staff from Austin Public Health. This event provided immunizations to the residents & staff at ATC including this year’s flu vaccine, vaccines for hepatitis A & B (as well as planning for follow up clinics so that residents might complete the series,) and pneumonia vaccines among the vaccines available for administration. This clinic required not only coordination between Community Health and Austin Public Health, but also the ATC administration, and because the residents are parolees, also coordination with Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. This was the first big immunization drive held at ATC, and resulted in 97 residents and staff receiving immunizations with each person receiving 3 immunizations, on average!


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