PULSE Magazine | September 2019 Isssue
Captain Tony Smith Clinical Specialist Samantha Caffery
Below is the letter sent in from a patient:
“These two medics were so caring and kind. They knew their stuff. They settled me right down and took such great care of me. Come to find out I had a mini stroke with slurred speech, but that has come to pass. Your staff was truly wonderful. This was not my first experience with a stroke. My daughter Jennifer, was a beautiful girl and a physicists as well as a founding member of the Texas Rollergirls. She worked at NASA on two projects. One of which was the Mars Rover and created Virtual Earth for the International Space Station. Jennifer was also a musician, she played Bass. She played all over San Francisco, Austin and Las Vegas. She was truly a gift to us. Jennifer was brutally murdered while in Idaho helping her grandparents who had reached their 90’s. The grief of her murder is killing me. So far your medics are saving me. The first crew who came to our house had to bring me back from wherever I went, I was gone. I tried to look at my daughters Facebook page and I dropped. I just cannot take the stress of all this horror. Your crew literally saved me. I want to thank your medics for the great and difficult job they do. We all need first responders so much, they are a blessing for everyone. I would hug each one of you if I could. They are very special and I cannot thank them enough.”
Nancy Nalley
Nancy Nalley
Jennifer Nalley
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