
Today, Hempe and the Master Gardeners volunteer to maintain much of the grounds and, through a nonprofit, fund the purchase of equipment like tractors. Other volunteers, including URI athletic teams, pick the farm’s apples to provide to the Rhode Island Food Bank. And in the last few years, the farm, under the purview of the College of the Environment and Life Sciences, has seen something of a mini renaissance. Dean John Kirby largely credits Alm, calling him a “hard-working, smart guy” who serves as a parental figure for the farm. Recent improvements include renovations to research facilities, including the fish lab and a building housing 4-H staff. A refurbished building houses the Fisheries Center of Rhode Island, an industry group, while the original farmhouse was repurposed to host the Master Gardener program.

“You know this is the best kept secret in South County.” Rudi Hempe, University affiliate - Rudi Hempe

The college also has kept up its outreach

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