
In early July, students’ laughter

filled a classroom in Washburn Hall on the University of Rhode Island’s (URI) Kingston Campus. Projected on the slide in front of the class featured an image of Harry Potter with text written entirely in Mandarin Chinese. The teacher at the front of the class smiled, and then – in Chinese – began a fast-paced conversation with her first-year students. The 15 students sat upright and engaged while speaking about a familiar character in an unfamiliar language. These students elected to spend eight weeks of their summer on campus for

Wayne He Professor, Languages; Program Director, Chinese Language Flagship Program

URI’s Chinese Language Flagship Program, overseen by Professor Wayne Wenchao He. “In eight weeks these students will learn one academic year’s worth of Chinese,” says Professor He. Students sign a pledge to speak only in Chinese while attending the intensive program, during which they take Chinese every day. They even speak it with their peers outside of class. Students are also required to wear a pin that reads: “Please speak Chinese to me.” While the URI Flagship Program’s lesson plans can be inventive or even playful, there are rigorous standards these students must meet at the end of the summer.

fall | 2015 Page 43

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