STEINBILD dealer presentation ENG


The brilliant idea behind it

Issuing 10% discount codes to customers and receiving of 15% commission on customer purchase.


Almost every contact or customer is a potential STEINBILD customer.

Minimal effort - great potential and great effect

Only STEINBILD dealers have the possibility to issue discount vouchers in the amount of 10% to potential STEINBILD customers. These vouchers can be redeemed when shopping on the STEINBILD website in the store. Therefore, personalized discount vouchers will be provided to the mer chant in different versions. The discount code is keyed to the STEINBILD merchant - after it is redeemed, the merchant will receive 15% commission on the corresponding STEINBILD customer‘s sales in the store. The code can be used several times - the merchant receives the commis sion for each redemption. When paying in the store, the customer activates the discount via a code or by scanning the discount QR code.


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