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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

B.2 Technical Error

Scenario number 2

Technical error in electrical system

Scenario justification


: As the chosen storage system for the Piql Preservation Services is the AutoStore®

system, referred to as the piqlVault system, which is wholly automated, an electrical fire may

occur. According to the supplier of this storage system, Element Logic, the likelihood of such an

event occurring is low, as the piqlVault system runs on very little electricity. The risk, however,

is there regardless, and including it is natural in this assessment, as one of its focus areas is the

storage phase. Fire, whether it be caused by a fault in the electrical system or not, is a common

occurrence, and the Piql Preservation Services should expect to be subjected to this threat

during its 500 year or longer existence.


: The components of the Piql Preservation Services – the Film, the Box, the Bin and the

Vault – are all vulnerable to extreme heat and direct contact with fire. Though plastic was

chosen as the material for the PiqlFilm and –Box, among other things, for its better fire resistant

properties than many other storage media, none of the components are immune to the prolonged

exposure to flames; They will burn with sufficient exposure.


: All Piql partners are required to have various measures of fire protection in place.

However, not all are suited for implementation in the piqlVault. Piql AS recommend an oxygen

reduction suppression solution to ward of the flames, as this causes the least damage to the rest

of the Piql Preservation Services. Here, we show the benefits of following this recommendation

instead of a sprinkler system.

Scenario outline

The scenario is set in the geographical zone North (Asia). An error in an old, outdated electrical

system in the building housing the piqlVault system leads to the outbreak of an electrical fire.

The error causes the system to (i) shut down and (ii) sparks to ignite a fire at the top of the grid,

as this is where most of the electrical components are situated. The bottom piqlBoxes are safe

from the fire as long as it is not allowed to spread. The fire protection system that the building

has installed, however, is a sprinkler system. While this stops the fire from spreading notably, it

poses another risk to the integrity of the films, as the piqlFilms should not be exposed to water

except under controlled conditions. Neither is water a positive thing to introduce in an

automated system. When the sprinklers are activated, the water splashes over the top of the grid

and trickles down through the grid to assemble at the bottom of the floor, rising steadily to

submerge the lower piqlFilms.


Type of risk


Hazard: Technical error of electrical system causes fire.