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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

robot goes to charge for the night.

Vault description

The scenario takes place while the piqlFilm is in storage in the piqlVault.

The piqlVault system is placed in a storage room located on the lower

floor or basement of an office building.

The vault is regulated through ventilation to uphold the ISO standards

governing levels of humidity and temperature. The ventilation system is

powered by a backup generator after the electrical system in the building

causes the piqlVault system to fail.

Local safety


All safety measures required by Piql AS are in place, see section 5.5.1 for

details. The general standard of the building, though, indicates lack of

funds to uphold the safety requirements. Of special notice here: the

recommendation to use an oxygen reduction suppression solution has

been ignored due to cost issues and the sprinklers already installed in the

building is deemed sufficient.

Local security


All security measures required by Piql AS are in place. The general

standard of the building, though, indicates lack of funds to uphold the

security regime recommended. As the user class is business non-

sensitive, a high level of security does not seem necessary to the Piql



Outer building

The physical infrastructure of the building and the storage room is not

notably affected.


The operations of the piqlVault system shuts down after the spark caused

the whole electrical system to fail. The backup generator cannot

regenerate the power supply, as the necessary connections in the firing

have been fried.

The aluminium in the grid has a melting point of between 600 and 660°

Celsius. The aluminium will not burn, but it will melt. However, the

integrity and stability of its mechanical properties is affected at such low

temperatures as around 200° Celsius, meaning that if the structure is still

standing, it will be much weakened.

The water released from the sprinklers, though putting out the fire and

protecting the grid and robots from the fire, cause more problems for the

piqlVault system, in that it causes the electronics of the system to short-

circuit. Should the piqlBins need to be extracted from the grid

immediately after the fire, this must be done manually, which can be

done but it is a complex and time-consuming process.


The piqlBoxes near the top of the grid where the fire is strongest are

affected by the fire. The PP in the piqlBoxes melts at 170° Celsius.

Flame temperatures in room fires can reach between 600 and 1200°