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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707


As the piqlBoxes are not water-proof, the piqlFilms are subjected to

prolonged exposure to extremely filthy water full of mud, debris and

decaying organic material. As mentioned, the exact effects are not clear,

but we can safely assume that neither the polyester nor the gelatine

emulsion on the piqlFilm will hold up long under these conditions. The

gelatine would likely dissolve, and all of the piqlFilms would be

damaged beyond repair.

Power/energy supply

Along with the rest of the city, the power supply to the piqlVault is cut

off during the course of the flood.

Divergence from

ISO standard

Neither the temperature, nor the humidity levels are upheld, as the

power supply to keep the ventilation system running is cut. That,

however, makes no difference once water fills the entire space of the

storage room. The change in temperature and relative humidity will not

cause much damage; the filthy water will.

Security mechanisms


The gelatine emulsion of the PiqlFilms exposed to the filthy water will

almost certainly completely dissolve. This entails damage beyond

repair, and the data will be lost. It will no longer be possible to verify

the integrity of the information.


See over. The information will no longer be available to the owner once

it becomes evident the information on the piqlFilms cannot be saved.


See over. Although information will no longer be accessible to the data

owner, neither will it be accessible to anybody else. Confidentiality thus

remains intact, as no one else can or will read the material.

All the piqlFilms in the vault were left without proper security regarding

access control when the doors were forced open by the pressure of the

water and could hypothetically have been accessed by others at this

time. Due to circumstances outside of human control, however, the films

remained inaccessible and thus confidential.

Immunity (against

attacks on the above


The Piql Preservation Services is not immune to attacks on availability

or integrity.



protective measures

The piqlVault is more vulnerable to the effects of flooding when it is

placed in the lower floors of a building, hence the recommendation is to

place it higher up in areas prone to flooding. As this scenario has

illustrated that one cannot in the future always know whether one is in

an area prone to flooding or not, additional measures should be in place.

These could include a sealed bag around the piqlBox. Another measure